CBMC Featured News


By CBMC International
• April 23, 2014

Koreans PrayingDearest Brothers and Sisters in the Lord’s Harvest,

After months of preparation CBMC conference and Executive Outreach, now is done, it seem that everything went smooth, everybody both local and International delegates got excited and inspired with Word of God and vision to help reach market place.

Thank you very much for International CBMC delegates who give us great encouragement and blessing us and thank you for Local CBMC members who work hard for this event, we are together for the sake of Christ and the lost souls.

Our Vision want to see the Great Commission Fulfill in our land by bringing the Love of Jesus and His savior to the High ranking Government officers, Business owner and other influences in the society to bless the mission work in Cambodia. CBMC is the key ministry that help us to open way how we going to fulfill it. We pray that Christian Businessmen and Christian influences will come together and work together to fulfill the mission that God given to us.

We praise God and give Him honor for the Executive Outreach; their parliament members, Secretaries of state, the Generals and businessmen and business owners join the Outreach. There are about almost two hundred of them and included Christian businessmen and International guest total 240 people attended the event, we have good response from non-believers and they feel good about Christian, there are about 26 people received Christ as their savior and Lord and more than hundred people want to know about God and CBMC ministry. (AMEN) To God be the GLORY! HE alone is HONOR.

We are concern before the event come on how many people will join this outreach because  First they may not interested about Jesus and second during April 4 many people go out to their Parents, Grandparents’ tombs to worship, but praise God that He sent just enough numbers that we want. Praise God about that. I am really thank God about that. We use to do the event like this number of times but this time is the biggest one that has many influences came.

But the mission is not finish yet. It difficult to invite people to join the event like this, but the most difficult is how we going to take care and help them to grow in their Spiritual to love God. This is not easy we need a lot of times and a lot energy and money and main power to keep growing. Please pray for us that will be more Christian businessmen and Influences will have the same burden to carry this mission and work together and pray that those who hear the message of Jesus will repent, those who received Jesus will grow and eager to know God.

Satan was defeated; he doesn’t want this event happen, we faced many challenge and Spiritual warfare. Four months before the event come, my Mother got sick and several weeks later she passed away, then Daniel got very serious sickness two times and later other children also got sick and I also got sick and weak plus many mission trip from outside, it make me almost crazy, but praise God that He help us to do successfully.

Thank you so much for your prayer and support, without your prayer there is impossible to happen, thank you for being part of this mission and helping to Fulfill Great Commission to bring God’s transformation in this land.

God bless you and your work,

Narin Chey
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Shared by Wei-Wang Chen