Our global initiatives are grounded in something other than contemporary, avant-garde strategic planning concepts.
Our blueprint dates back 2,000 years to “the Great Commission” of Matthew 28:19-20.
We wholeheartedly invite you to partake in this mission of obedience with your prayers, active engagement, and financial contributions.
1. Communicate the Gospel internationally:
As a worldwide ministry, our primary emphasis is on effective communication across every digital and interpersonal platform. We are the “Gospel messengers” to the business landscape. As such, to every nation, tribe, and tongue, we inspire professional men and women across the planet to embody and express their faith within their extensive spheres of career and community influence.
2. Build healthy and replicating Discipleship Teams:
Life-on-life discipleship engages businessmen and women at deep personal levels, revealing spiritual blind spots and breaking the chains of long-held strongholds. It is a hallmark of CBMC and the power behind the ministry’s 90-plus-year calling in the global marketplace. We cultivate and replicate disciple-makers throughout our regional and national associations.
3. Recruit and develop future ministry leaders for Christ:
The CBMC Global Leadership Team (GLT) comprises individuals from various parts of the world, each exhibiting distinct qualities of strong leadership and team-building capabilities. Rooted in the Great Commission’s call, our approach seamlessly marries the seasoned insights of veteran leaders with the vibrant vision of the emerging generation, fostering a cross-generational legacy of Christ-centered leadership worldwide. CBMC International holds the exclusive authority for the selection of GLT members.
4. Expand the global impact of CBMC:
In a world increasingly shaped by transient values, CBMC International stands as a resolute testament to the enduring wisdom of Christ’s teachings within the global marketplace. With the weight of nearly a century of ministry behind us, our heartfelt ambition is not merely to hoard the divine blessings we’ve received but to multiply them, unapologetically inserting Kingdom truths into the very heart of today’s business ethos.