The Joy Of Being Zealous Stewards
“Zealous” is an interesting word. It means showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective. It is good to be zealous, if ...
The Four C’s Of Hiring
One of the most basic problems in business is making certain to have the right people working in the right positions. No matter how talented, people placed in the ...
‘Thanksgiving Day’ Can Be Every Day
This week people across the U.S.A. will observe another Thanksgiving Day, as it has been observed since 1863. The practice, however, dates to the early ...
The Power Of Speaking The Right Words
We live in unprecedented times. The airwaves are filled with words, as is the Internet. Thanks to social media, anyone with the capacity for talking ...
The Four Dangers Of Success
Most people handle failure much better than they handle success. Failure can build a person, while success can ruin a person. I have seen this ...
Following A Winding Vocational Path
There once was a time when people would get a job and remain in the same employment for decades. It would literally be the job ...
Letting Go Of Little Failures
Recently I ran across a very interesting quote from noted leadership consultant John Maxwell. It served as a good reminder for me. Maybe it will be a ...
The Relentless Pursuit Of Excellence
Do you give or receive job performance reviews where you work? Or have you ever been given such a review in another job? Imagine having ...
With Variable Labor, Make Culture A Constant
The global marketplace is facing a rapidly changing labor environment that is perhaps unprecedented. For instance, the U.S. Department of Labor states that on average, ...
Professional And Spiritual Calling Redefined
We often refer to our jobs and careers as vocations, although the Latin-based word (vocare – “to call”) suggests much more than just describing the specific kinds ...
Gaining The Respect Of Coworkers
For many years I have held the conviction that the “sacred/secular” distinctions we sometimes hear about are not supported anywhere in the Bible. Clergy and ...
Considering The Wonder Of Leadership
How do you know if you are a leader? Check and see if you have anyone following you. Having followers is the demonstration that there ...
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