Monday Manna

Finding Strength in Numbers

By CBMC International
• March 10, 2014

Finding Strength in Numbers

When was the last time you accomplished something important, something very significant totally on your own, without the help of others?

If we are honest, we would have to admit achieving anything of merit, without the assistance and support of someone else, is virtually impossible. In the business and professional world, even top executives and corporate leaders must rely on teams of other people to attain their goals and objectives.

Whether we are manufacturing and selling products, or providing services, we find ourselves in the midst of a network of people that make it possible for us to perform the work we do. So why would it be any different for people striving to live out their faith in God in the 21st century marketplace?

In reality, it is not different. We live in an increasingly secularized world, an environment where many would discourage attempts to integrate faith and work together. For that reason, many cities have CBMC groups where business and professional people can gather for prayer, Bible study, encouragement and training. In fact, later this year a special international event will be held where leaders from many nations can gather to share their mutual faith and commitment to Jesus Christ and learn how to serve God and others in the global marketplace.

The CBMC World Convention is scheduled for September 24-28, 2014 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. It is anticipated that more than 2,000 people, representing as many as 80 different nations, will be in attendance. Speakers will include international evangelist Luis Palau, a native of Argentina; Mart Green, chairman of the board of Hobby Lobby, a family-owned retailer; and vocalist Steve Green, who will serve as worship leader.

Here are comments from men and women who have participated in past CBMC World Conventions:

Jesus Sampedro of Venezuela told of a businessman who turned to CBMC for help in taking biblical principles into his company, to present them to his top leaders and managers. “They are learning in a non-religious way the things God has for them in the midst of what they do on a daily basis. Business leaders tell us, ‘I know my business is going to be better if they know Jesus Christ – and I want them to have the opportunity to experience a better life.'”

Julia Kim of Russia said she views CBMC as “a community of Christian people. In the marketplace some people are focused on business, some are focused on outreach. We think CBMC offers the balance of both business and Bible study – we want to be good business people, but also good Christian people.”

Kumara, a businessman in India, recalled having been mentored early in his life. “When I came to CBMC, I realized how important mentoring is – one-on-one discipleship, investing your life in someone else.”

Esther, from Singapore, talked about her desire to offer support, encouragement and spiritual guidance for businesswomen who often carry the weight of both workplace and family responsibilities. She explained after leaving her native China in 2000 as an honored graduate of a leading university, her career success still left her searching for purpose and meaning for her life. Then she was introduced to Jesus Christ. “I want to help other women facing a lot of stress and extra burdens in their lives through deeper fellowship and a personal experience with Jesus Christ.”

These and many other topics will be addressed at the CBMC World Convention in Orlando, U.S.A. If you would like to learn about attending the upcoming World Convention, or how to become involved in the marketplace ministry of CBMC, visit the website,

Reflection/Discussion Questions

1. Who are some of the people that help you to achieve your goals and objectives where you work? What could you accomplish without their aid?





2. Ecclesiastes 4:9 states, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.” What might be an example of this principle you have experienced at your workplace?





3. Another Bible passage, Proverbs 27:17, says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man (person) sharpens another.” Explain, from your experience, your understanding of what this means.





4. What do you think are the benefits of like-minded people meeting on a regular basis to discuss common interests, issues and problems, and a shared mission?





If you would like to look at or discuss other portions of the Bible that relate to this topic, consider the following brief sampling of passages:

Proverbs 11:14, 13:20, 15:22, 27:23-27; Ecclesiastes 4:10-12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26