CBMC Featured News

CBMC Japan

By CBMC International
• April 19, 2017

March 24-29, Tokyo-20170325_005158886Tojyo-20170325_005239151Emily and Jim Firnstahl traveled to Tokyo, Japan for the 17th National Prayer Dinner; where over 500 people attended. This was their third time to attend this event which is an important gathering for the faithful believers in Japan. It is one of the largest annual events of God’s people and includes prominent business, church and government leaders. While a modest number of attendees by large nation standards, Japan has only 1% of its population claiming to be Christian, so it is a great encouragement to those attending. CIMG5999


CIMG6007They then traveled to Kyoto and Osaka to meet with CBMC Teams. Currently there are eight teams in the three cities: Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. The National Prayer Dinner is a joint effort with duties shared by all team members. Please continue to pray for these men and women as they share Christ and CBMC in their marketplace.