Monday Manna

A Truly Global Gathering

By CBMC International
• May 19, 2014

A Truly Global Gathering

Traveling around the world reveals an incredible array of races, cultures, ethnicity, languages and customs. The breadth, diversity and richness of humanity make an indelible impression.


This makes it all the more amazing to realize the universality of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible, or at least portions of it, have been translated into more than 2,500 different languages and can be found in virtually every nation and on every continent. The truths of Jesus – for the workplace, as well as for personal life – are as applicable in Indonesia, Nigeria, Mexico, South Korea and Belgium as they are in Venezuela, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands and Canada.


Just before His departure, Jesus gave His followers specific instructions: “go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). And up to the present, followers of Christ have been striving to do exactly that. In fact, Jesus’ Great Commission has served as the central theme and inspiration for CBMC groups all around the world for more than 80 years.


For this reason, the World CBMC Convention is being held Sept. 24-28, 2014 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. The focus for the Convention is “One God. One World. One Global Marketplace. One Gospel.” More than 2,000 attendees are anticipated from Asia, Africa, Europe, Central and South America, and North America, including the host United States. They will arrive – and depart – sharing one goal: To impact the world with the eternal, life-changing message of Jesus Christ.


Speakers will include international evangelist Luis Palau, a native of Argentina; Mart Green, chairman of the board for Hobby Lobby; Bob Doll, chief equity strategist and senior portfolio manager at Nuveen Asset Management; D. Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College in Massachusetts; Mark Miller, Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness for Chick-fil-A; and vocalist Steve Green.


Activities will start on Sept. 24 with a pre-Convention training seminar and welcome dinner. Subsequent days will follow the themes of Equip (Sept. 25), Energize (Sept. 26), Celebrate (Sept. 27) and Impact (Sept. 28), all aimed at encouraging and equipping men and women from around the globe to effectively serve and represent Jesus Christ through their business and professional pursuits. Each region of the globe will be represented throughout the various Convention sessions.


An “Impact the World Leadership Roundtable” Sept. 24 from noon to 5:30 p.m. will showcase best practices from CBMC regions around the world, covering topics such as communicating vision, recruiting to mission, strategic planning, and leadership advancement. This session is specially designed for local, national, regional and emerging leaders.


The registration fee for this special international event includes all Global Gatherings, interactive workshops and access to The Marketplace Resource Center. Numerous exhibits will be available throughout the four-day gathering. During the Convention, four breakfasts and three dinners will be served. Advance registration discounts are offered through Aug. 31.


A special luncheon with Mart Green is scheduled for Sept. 27, when he will tell about his family’s decision to commit their business to serving Jesus Christ and the biblical basis for their corporate philosophy and practices.


For more information and to register for the CBMC World Convention visit the website,


Reflection/Discussion Questions


1.   What is the significance, in your opinion, of the universal appeal and application of the gospel message, regardless of culture, ethnicity, customs and language?





 2.    How effective have the followers of Jesus Christ been in doing as He instructed, to “go and make disciples of all nations”? Explain your answer.

3.    Assuming you are a follower of Jesus yourself, what kinds of help would you like to receive in seeking to live out your faith from day to day, both professionally and personally?

If you would like to look at or discuss other portions of the Bible that relate to this topic, consider the following brief sampling of passages:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 3:17, 23; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 2:14-18