CBMC Featured News

3 Ways to Know your Ambition is from God

By CBMC International
• November 30, 2014

ambition2How do I know my dream for my life is from God?

As a child, I wanted to be so many different things. There was a season where I wanted to be a world-famous magician.

Then a stuntman. A comedian. A rock star. A circus lion tamer.

Yes, those ambitions were childish. No, I don’t think God placed those dreams in my heart. But I do believe there was a thin line connecting each of those silly professions that spoke to the real dream God had for me. He had put certain drives and dispositions inside me that would ultimately lead to the plans He had for me.

So the obvious question is, “How do I know my dream for my life is from God?”

Read the complete article at: 3 Ways to Know your Ambition is from God