Omeno Suji holds a Master of Arts degree in Development Communication from Daystar University and a double major undergraduate degree in Education and Business Administration from Messiah College, Daystar University.
He is a social development expert and an entrepreneur researcher who runs an MSME consulting company called Beryl Consult Limited based in Nairobi Kenya but with work in Horn East and Central Africa region for the last 12 years. Beryl Consult provides technical advice and support for social development projects implemented by community groups, NGOs, government agencies, and the UN. His areas of expertise include Monitoring and Evaluation, Project design, staff capacity building, remote mentoring, and gender mainstreaming.
Suji is a published author of several Practitioners’ Guides and training Manuals based on his experience, especially with the ASAL communities of Kenya and the drylands of the Horn of Africa. He has undertaken gender training for various World Bank, and USAID-funded projects in the water sector in the past 10 years. He has specific country work experience in Djibouti, DRC, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
Some of his notable clients include The Government of Kenya (ministries of agriculture and water as well as agencies of the government such as NDMA); the World Food Programme; Food & Agricultural Organization; United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank; USAID; IGAD; IIED; Integrity Action, Tufts University; PLACIDA; The Netherlands Red Cross; IFRC; Safaricom Foundation; Kenya Red Cross; LTS; DFID; Mercy Corps; among others.
Suji trained and served as a teacher and education officer before moving to work as the international students’ advisor at Daystar University. He then left to join Acacia Consultants Limited in the private sector where he honed his skills as a researcher and social development consultant. He lives in the Lukenya area of Machakos County where he also pastors a small congregation of believers at the Lukenya Community Church. He is married to Helen (nee Shonko) and they have 3 grown children (2 daughters and 1 son) of their own, and take care of various others.