On September 15, 2021, Paul Jennings, Board Director from CBMC South Africa, was elected as Chairman of the CBMC International Board of Directors.
Paul was born in South Africa and grew up in a strong Christian Anglican family. He knew God from a very early age but became a Christ-follower (Christian) in his early 20’s.
Paul graduated from Rhodes University and the University of South Africa. He holds a B.Com (Hons.) degree.
His business career over the past 50 years has had him living in Australia and South Africa. He has worked in banking, asset management, micro-economic development and started an independent financial planning business, which he recently sold.
Paul and his wife Margie have three children and five grandchildren.
Paul has been active in church life. His most memorable moment was in 1999 when he participated in a 40-day retreat. Having recently left the corporate life, where he had been heading the Australian Equites Division for a large Australian Insurer, he was searching for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and a new direction for his life. Soon after the retreat, he went on a mission trip to India. It was during this time that he was introduced to Opportunity International, a faith-based organization, involved in micro-economic development in developing countries. He joined the organization and served as a fundraiser and business development officer for 10 years.
Returning to South Africa in 2007, Paul was introduced to CBMC. As he says, “What a breath of fresh air it was for me to find an international organization which is focused in the marketplace to evangelize business and professional people and more importantly to disciple those who accept the Gospel.” Currently, Paul is using Operation Timothy to disciple three men. Until recently he has served as Chairman of the Woodmead Committee in Johannesburg which has an active team of 24 men. In 2019, he was invited to serve on the CBMC International Board.
CBMC International has two goals which include 10X by 2030 and the establishment of six regional country boards. For Paul, 10X is a combination of growth and depth. Growth in terms of a presence in more countries and more teams in existing countries; but, this is not growth for growth sake. Members must be focused on the mission to evangelize the lost/unconvinced in the marketplace, and more importantly to disciple spiritual reproducers. It is our Lord who builds the church and we are His hands and feet.